The advice and structure given in this article will teach you how to write a thesis proposal for master courses, how to write a thesis proposal for undergraduate courses, and how to write a thesis proposal for PhD courses. We at paper writing service know, that they mostly follow the same structure as the one listed below, but each has its own level of detail and work required.
Thesis Proposal Structure
If you want to know how to write a thesis proposal, here is the general structure you will have to follow. By the way, we provide any type of thesis help, so if you can`t follow the structure, just contact us by applying the link.
- Title page
- Abstract
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Thesis statement
- Approach/methods
- Preliminary results and discussion
- Work plan including timetable
- Implications of research
- List of references
Student Tip – Once your thesis proposal is complete, keep it on file because you can use a chunk of it for your thesis or your scientific paper.
Title page
Your professor will give you full details of what you should put on your title page and how you should lay it out. It usually contains a descriptive title that is mostly self-explanatory. Among other things, you will be asked to include your:
- Author name
- Institution
- Department
- Teacher or research mentor
- Teacher or research mentor’s institution
- The date of your paper’s delivery
Do not confuse an abstract (a brief summary of your work) with an extract (a meaningful part of your essay).
- Make it no longer than 200 words
- Ask your professor if the 200 words count towards your overall word count
- Give a brief summary of your proposal
- Briefly introduce the issue at hand
- Give the key/essence of your thesis
- Express how you wish to address your thesis
- Explain any implications of your work if you successfully complete it
Table of contents
Consult your professor before completing your table of contents because some institutions like you to add tags or links that work with their word processor programs.
- List all headings with page numbers
- List all subheadings under the headings and give them page numbers
- Indent your subheadings
- Try to capture the reader’s interest in this section
- Set the context for your proposed thesis
- Explain the background of your study
Student Tip – Professors will typically give people higher marks if they give a broad picture that narrows into what the proposed thesis is about.
Research Question or Thesis statement
- Your statement may be a research question or a hypothesis, a goal statement or project statement
- State your research question
- State your thesis in a very concise manner
- Review what people already know about the research topic you have picked
- Explain how current knowledge is relevant to the research topic you picked
- Make sure to cite all relevant references
Approach and/or Methods
- Give a description of your approach
- Note all the materials you will use and the procedures you will follow
- Explain which methods you will be using
- Explain how your data will be collected
- Show how you will analyze the data you collect
- Give calculations, technique, procedure, equipment, and calibration graphs
- Show any assumptions, limitations, and the range of validity (if applicable)
- Limit your citations to data sources
- Limit your citations to complete descriptions of procedures
Student Tip – Do not discuss your actual results, do not include anything related to the discussion of your results. Discussing these things in this section is a common way to limit the marks you get so that you cannot score higher marks on your paper. Leave any mention of results for the next section.
Preliminary Results and Discussion
- Here is where you give the results you have already obtained prior to what your thesis proposes
- Discuss how the results you have already attained will fit into the framework of your thesis
Student Tip – Saying that the current state of research/results is lacking is not a good reason to approve your thesis. A crude example is: imagine a student who wishes to build a rocket ship because current research on our nearest star is lacking, such a student wouldn’t have his or her
Work Plan and Time Table/Schedule
- Explain what you intend to do in order to fulfill your thesis proposal
- Break your process down into stages
- Give a timeline for each stage
- Give deadlines for each stage or task
- Explain what has been done already
- Describe the challenges you will face or may face
- Detail contingency plans in case you miss a deadline or two
Implications of Your Research
- What knowledge will your research unearth?
- Is that knowledge already unknown?
- Can you prove the limitations of current knowledge and prove how your results will advance current knowledge?
- What are the implications of your research if it is a success?
- Why is it worth knowing?
Student Tip – Spend unholy amounts of time on this section because it is a massive marks earner. If you can somehow prove the current limitations of knowledge, you will get big marks, and if you can show how your work will advance current knowledge, then you will get even bigger marks.
Student Tip – Be very careful when answering “Why is it worth knowing?” because most students offer weak-but-passable reasons. For example, your proposal may revolve around counting slugs and their movement in a small area to try to explain why their numbers fluctuate during the year. You still need to answer the question of “Why should people care?” If slug numbers were dwindling, then that may be a reason, or if their predator numbers were decreasing, then that may be a reason to care.
List of References and Other Options
Your college and/or professor will give you the guidelines for references and your bibliography. If you are still stuck, and/or you want to know how to write a thesis proposal for master or how to write a thesis proposal undergraduate, then get in touch with the PaperWritingPro Service and let them write your paper for you. Not only will you see how a professional writes a thesis proposal, you are also more likely to have it approved. The degree-qualified staff have already completed the course and qualification you are taking, so they know exactly what it takes to have a proposal approved.